
Personalized Snowman Mugs

Sharing is caring!

 *Caution, affiliate links ahead…Don’t worry, I’ll use the money for something practical, like wine…. or a pony!

snowman cups

I love personalized homemade gifts. I would prefer something homemade over something store bought any day, unless you are going to buy me a car, then I really, really want the car.

These mugs are super cute and crazy easy to make, you just need a mug, a couple sharpies and an oven and you are all set!


Grab your mug ( I use these from Amazon as opposed to the ones you can find at the dollar store, they are oven safe and the marker doesn’t come off them at all, unlike the dollar store ones.) and a black sharpie and get to work. You can use a stencil for the letters or get really gutsy (like I did) and freehand it. Once you have it the way you like it bake it at 400 degrees for 25 minutes to set the design.

snowman mugs

Thats it! Told you it was easy 🙂


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  1. Thanks for the tip about the Dollar store! As soon as I saw your link on two cup tuesday I said ooh I need to go to the dollar store to get some mugs! This is really adorable!!!
  2. Simply adorable! Love this idea! Thanks for sharing :)
  3. Hehe these are so cute! I love the marshmallow 'hair', will definitely be giving this one a try!
  4. I collect Snowmen and so does my Mom. This is a perfect gift to make for her. Great idea! Jen @ Noting Grace notinggrace.blogspot.com
  5. I just cam back from Coffee With Us 3, I saw this post another time somewhere, forgot where. I want to try these they are so cute!!! *Happy Day*
  6. Louise Douglas says:
    what a nice Idea Jordyn, I just might use your idea! I'm Louise Douglas, with "A Gainesville Mom Writes". and one of the newst co-hosts on Wakeup Wednesday Linky. I'm stopping by to intruduce myself and congratulate you for being featured this week, way to go, Jordyn, you rock! I've met some of the most admirable women behind a blog in the last past few weeks, that I;m so thankful that I made the decision to co-host this entire month with no regrets because all of you are simply amazing that I'm your newest follower on +google, pinterest, twitter, and fb, and I want to wish you a Merry Chirstimas !
    1. Hi Louise!! Thank you for the very warm introduction! I love meeting new and awesome bloggers like yourself, it's my favorite part of the link parties :) I just followed you back and hope that we can be great blogging friends :)

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