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3 Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream – No Ice Cream Machine Needed!

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*Caution, affiliate links ahead…Don’t worry, I’ll use the money for something practical, like wine…. or a pony!

3 Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream- No Ice Cream Machine Needed! This easy homemade ice cream recipe is the perfect summer treat. Yum!

This recipe has revolutionized my family’s summer. My kids go crazy for this ice cream recipe and they can even make it themselves. Chocolate ice cream is a summer necessity in our house, and probably almost every house in the country. Nothing beats playing outside in the heat for hours then coming in for a bowl of homemade chocolate ice cream , there are few things that can top that 🙂

Are you ready for how simple this is?

3 Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream – No Ice Cream Machine Needed!

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  • 2 cups heavy cream (whole milk will work too, it just won't be as creamy) You can also make this paleo by subbing full fat coconut milk for the whole milk
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup sweetener of choice, I prefer honey or honey granules


  1. Put all the ingredients in a blender
  2. Blend on high until smooth and creamy
  3. Pour in freezer safe container and freeze for 4-6 hours
  4. Scoop, serve, enjoy!


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  1. This sounds so yummy! I made a similar blueberry ice cream this weekend for company and it was a huge hit! Who needs an ice cream maker!? I would love it if you would stop by anytime after 8pm tomorrow (Tuesday) evening to share this with my recipe link party, The Yuck Stops Here. You can find us this week at http://mommasangelbaby.com/?p=2628. So glad I found you on Recipe Sharing Monday! Thanks so much for sharing! HUGS
  2. Yum! Definitely making this with the kids! Make sure you stop by and link up at Tickle My Tastebuds! Julia @ Mini Van Dreams
  3. No ice cream machine? Yes! I just pinned this to my Ice Cream! board. Would LOVE it if you would stop by Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop tonight (7pm EDT Tues) to share this (and other) post.
  4. Stopping by via the Create Link Inspire linky party. This is such a great recipe, Pinned. Diane @Mrs U Makes.
  5. Diane Roark says:
    Thanks so much for linking up to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. I love this easy Ice Cream recipe. I am featuring it on my Facebook page tonight. https://www.facebook.com/recipesforourdailybread Blessings, Diane Roark
  6. This sounds easy and delicious. I'm pinning this for emergencies (when I really need chocolate ice cream)
  7. So simple. Definitely going to try making this ice cream. Thanks for coming to the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop and linking up your fabulous post! We are so glad you came! Blessings, Shari
  8. Oh yummy! Summer sings of ice cream and this definitely fits the bill. Thanks for linking up at Wonderful Wed Blog Hop. Carrie, A Mother's Shadow
  9. love easy few ingredients recipes like this so yummy come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
  10. Where has this recipe been all my life? I am totally making this with coconut milk to make it vegan! I will stop back here and let you know how I like it :-)
  11. Dina@Kitchen Dreaming says:
    Thanks for coming and linking up at #The Weekend Social. Please be sure to come back next week starting Thursdays at 9PM EST on Kitchen Dreaming.com ! I hope to see you there!
  12. I don't have an ice cream machine, and I have been craving homemade chocolate ice cream for a month! Great idea! I can't wait to try this!
  13. So delicious! Thanks for linking up with What's Cookin' Wednesday!
  14. I love a nice easy, cool recipe for summer! Thanks for sharing it.
  15. This lovely ice cream was our most viewed from Freedom Fridays this week!! Could you email me a picture for the features? Thanks
  16. I will be featuring this at the Pinworthy Projects Link Party tomorrow over at Domestic Superhero- thanks for sharing last week! I am also pinning! Looks delicious!
  17. Just pinned and will be sharing on Facebook as our Most Viewed at Freedom Fridays this week!! Hugs and thanks for sharing!
  18. Jamie @ Love Bakes Good Cakes says:
    We'll definitely need to try this over the Summer! Thanks so much for linking up to Freedom Fridays! You're the most viewed and featured this week!
  19. This is fab and looks so easy! Thanks for sharing, i'm going to try it soon :)
  20. Okay I actually do NOT think I am ready for how simple that is! Crazy! Definitely going to have to try it! Thanks for sharing!
    1. And also, question, with the coconut milk you are talking the canned kind yes?
      1. Yes, canned coconut milk :)
    2. Ridiculously easy right?! Thanks for stopping by <3
  21. Loving this recipe - it's so simple and straightforward! I hope you can stop on by and share this or any other recipe with us on Five Friday Finds!
    1. Thanks! Linking up now :)
  22. Jordyn, this recipe was most viewed at last week's Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop!! You are being featured this week. Congrats!

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